Looking for a Christmas tree
Posted by CouleureStaff on
How everyone in Japan is celebrating Christmas
When I saw it on social media, I was in a hurry and said, "I have to prepare it quickly!"
Most places start selling trees from late November to early December, which is quite late.
When you go to a tree farm like the one above, there are various sizes, from waist-high to several meters in size.
The price changes depending on the color of the tag in the photo.
This year, my friend found an object with a height of 2m or more and a circumference of 2.5m or more.
It seems that it was 23 pounds (about 3200 yen).
Some of the trees are certified organic and sustainable, and the ones sold at nearby shops are about 80cm and cost around 9,000 yen.
This was also selling like hot cakes, so I feel that people are demanding to be able to choose according to their sense of values.
Each home has its own style of decoration, and some homes have a sense of unity,
There is also a house that combines old and new with things you have since childhood.
Some families start decorating four weeks before Advent, while others have a tree ready but decorate it on the last day of school.
Our house was decorated with a large Advent wreath with four red candles and decorations and fairy lights throughout the house.
I was worried because the tree was requested by children,
This year's Christmas is going to my parents' house, so I won't be very active,
Thinking about various things, this year I decided to donate to support wintering in areas that are in conflict.
Christmas decorations add warmth to the winter when it gets dark at 4pm.
The work that not only the children but also me is nailed.
Sometimes a business trip tree shop comes to the supermarket.
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