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Aunt Tiggy's Visit

Posted by CouleureStaff on

How are you all doing?

A few nights ago, I heard a rustling noise outside, and when I quietly went outside...

I had a hedgehog.

The photo is actually
It's from when we "meeted" before that.
The delivery person told me, "Did you know there are hedgehogs in your garden?"

Hedgehogs are protected animals and the British love them.
Even the mother-in-law of the delivery person,
He is volunteering at a hedgehog protection group.

"Cat food or specialty feed is fine.
Milk is no good!
You should put out some water."
(There used to be a custom to serve milk.)

I didn't have my camera with me the other night, so while I was quietly watching, I went over and curled up in the corner.
It's big enough to fit in both hands.

The picture is from a picture book by Beatrix Potter, who is familiar with Peter Rabbit.
It was really a sharp eye like this.

As an aside, I have admired the pinafor (apron) that Lucy wears since I was a child.

I wonder if Aunt Tiggy the hedgehog will come tonight...I'm listening. (K)

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